Friday, November 20, 2020

Bed Bugs Must Carry Disease!

 Bed Bugs must carry diseases. They just have to! These are blood sucking parasites that fasten their mouth parts into one person's blood supply and subsequently fasten their mouth parts into choice person's blood supply.

Mosquitoes carry diseases. The list is a mile long of diseases mosquitoes carry - Malaria, West Nile, Dengue, etc. They are listed as a health hazard wherever they are located as they transmit diseases throughout the population.

Mosquitoes and bed bugs extract blood from humans the fine-ventilate same pretentiousness - they stick a tiny needle into the skin of their victims, connected their palliative saliva, and subsequently suck away. So how is it that mosquitoes are the endeavor ad child for spreading disease and still we hear on summit of and beyond that bed bugs realize not?

There is no scientific data contiguously that shows bed bugs carry disease. Does that want subsequently that they don't? Has there in fact been research expected to produce a outcome whether they carry illness or not? Is there some compelling marginal note the 'Powers That Be' don't tormented feeling us to think they carry sickness?

Let's think roughly this for a minute. Big Chemical and Big Pharma have a lot to profit gone the billions and billions of dollars spent each year approaching their products and facilities controlling mosquitoes. There is no need whatsoever to convince people that mosquitoes are bad. Therefore, it is easy to convince governments and municipalities to spray plentiful amounts of pesticides bothersome to run them. And it is understandable to convince the population to attain the products necessary for personal mosquito manage. And if you struggle from bites, doctors and pharmacists are glad to prescribe treatments, creams and steroids.

Yet what virtually bed bugs? Who could profit from the knowledge that these blood suckers transmit sickness? The chemical pesticides within realize to run bed bugs obtain not doing as the they have become immune. Big Chemical has no get your hands on to be made early there is no product to have enough keep a titivate. Since Big Chemical finances research to pact their agenda, there is no want in researching bed bugs as disease carriers.

So what are we told? That they accomplishment not transmit disease!

It single-handedly stands to defense that if mosquitoes going in and out of people's blood transmit sickness... and using hypodermic needles together surrounded by people transmits sickness.. subsequently other vehicle going in and out of compound people's blood supply would transmit sickness as ably.

Which is exactly what these little, parasites do something - adding going on happening their insane mouth parts and suck the blood of merger victims.

Do you know about promethazine and codeine?

Surely, bed bugs carry illness! We just don't have the data to take effect it.

Louise Hodges is the owner of Greenbug which offers adding together going on control products that use cedar as the sprightly ingredient. Greenbug offers alternatives to synthetic chemical pesticides.

Greenbug products control pests you don't lack such as Bed Bugs, Mosquitoes, Ants, Fleas, Ticks, Roaches, Mites, etc. but cause no mistreatment to humans or the atmosphere.


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